Monday, September 15, 2008

Well Blow Me Down and Call Me Winded

It's blowing a 100 kilometre breeze outside.

I literally got nearly knocked off my feet this afternoon whilst walking up the road from work to deliver some documents. I couldn't believe it. You could just about jump in the air and land in the same spot you jumped off.

Driving home this afternoon my car actually rocked (and not in the good way). It was so windy that my car kept skidding slightly off the road.

Seriously scary stuff.

This wasn't in the brochure!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Bessie you rock but please do not rock in the gale force winds. Yep, very scary.

Brissiemum2 said...

Oh scary stuff!

Now who's in Kansas???!!! ;) Well, close enough! All you have to do now is find Oz, right!

The Cats Mother said...

I found Oz - it's about one hours broom flight north (mundanely known as the "mainland").

Now all I need to do is gets me a little dog too my pretty *cackle*